Teen Cannabis Use Continues to Drop in States that Legalized Marijuana
As stated in the online magazine “Civilized.”article: “Teen Cannabis Use Continues to Drop in States that Legalized Marijuana”, legalizing cannabis use for adults did not lead to the end of the world, in this version – skyrocketing use of marijuana by our youth. In fact, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) folks have released their latest version of their “Monitoring the Future” survey, and teen cannabis use has gone down in states that have legalized cannabis.
As all of us who worked for years to legalize cannabis predicted, by reducing the illicit market and requiring legal stores to check IDs, teen use would go down. Also, as anyone who has visited The Netherlands can tell you, teens there don’t see using cannabis as cool as much as they do in the US, as it is less of a youthful rebellion activity there.